Give the best benefit to your employees, by helping them find their next job super fast.

Onboard your candidates, communicate with them structurally even after the graduation, measure their progress and help them find a job super fast.

Loopcv helps outplacement departments automate their internal process and increase their placement speed.

The goal of every outplacement department is to help employees find a job as fast as possible. Loopcv is the only platform in the market that improves the employment rate using Machine Learning and automation.

Loopcv's outplacement module can help you onboard your employees, manage their job search, and get important statistics such as the employment rate, the average number of days it takes for your employees to get a job and much more!

Here Is How Loopcv For Outplacement Works.

  1. Invite or import all your candidates
  2. Manage your candidates' job searches and check what kind of jobs they like
  3. Receive important statistics that help your bootcamp grow
  4. Help your candidates book more interviews and improve their job search

Check out our features:

Monitor the job search progress of your candidates in a singe dashboard

new loop image
loop results image

Add your employees (candidates) and manage their progress

Check the details of every graduate and streamline the post graduation collaboration

more info about jobs in a loop
loop statistics loopcv

Find out what your candidates like and analyze statistics about their job search